



复宏汉霖总裁兼首席执行官刘世高博士表示:“ 复宏汉霖肿瘤联合治疗战略的迅速推进,有赖于公司产品管线中丰富的单抗产品。打一个形象的比喻,如果说产品的联合治疗就像法国大厨精心烹饪的大餐,那唯有丰富的食材来源才能组合成各种美味的菜品。”








截至目前,复宏汉霖已完成11个产品、16项适应症的IND申报,并在国内率先推出一种新的治疗方案(联合治疗)。公司共计获得13个临床批件,其中1个生物类似药产品临床III期试验已顺利完成,4个生物类似药产品进入临床III期试验, 4个创新药产品进入临床I期试验。复宏汉霖已成为估值破百亿的生物医药独角兽企业。

Henlius Submits First Combination Immunotherapy Treatment with Its Anti-VEGF and Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibodies in China 

Recently, Henlius has received acceptance notifications from China Drug Administration (CDA) for its investigational new drug (IND) applications of a combination therapy that contains 2 monoclonal antibodies, i.e. HLX10, a Recombinant Humanized Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibody Injection, and HLX04, a Recombinant Anti-VEGF Humanized Monoclonal Antibody Injection, for the treatment of advanced solid tumors.

As the first IND combining 2 domestic monoclonal antibodies to treat cancer accepted by CDA, it is not only a historical step of Henlius’ combo-therapy strategy implementation and also an important milestone for cancer combination treatment in China.


“The rapid development of Henlius’ combo-therapy strategy depends on the mature product pipeline with rich monoclonal antibodies of the company.” said Dr. Scott Liu, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Henlius, “Just like the French chefs dedicatedly cooking a meal, only rich sources of ingredients can make a variety of delicious dishes.”


As of March 2018, HLX10 was approved to conduct clinical trials for solid tumors in Mainland China, Taiwan and the United States , and its phase I study was conducted successfully in Taiwan. Henlius separately submitted IND applications for HLX04 to the China Food and Drug Administrations (CFDA) to treat the patients with metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC) and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), and gained the approvals in December 2015 and May 2016. In December 2017, HLX04 has been filed to the CFDA for 2 new indications to treat wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (wAMD) and Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). As of April 2018, a phase III clinical trial of HLX04 for mCRC had been initiated in Mainland China already.

·About Combination Therapy

HLX10 and HLX20 (anti-PD-L1 antibody) are both strategic programs of Henlius novel mAb portfolio, with the potential use as a monotherapy and in combination with other therapies for the treatment of a broad array of both solid tumor and hematologic cancers. Continued efforts to enhance outcomes such as achieving better clinical efficacy and safety with immunotherapy agents have led to the development of combination (1 to 2 mAbs) immunotherapies with synergistic antitumor activity using immune checkpoint blockage such as anti-PD-1/L1 when response rates with single-agent immunotherapy are deemed suboptimal.


The cost of manufacturing biological product remains high and costly in many Europe and the United States pharmaceutical companies, resulting in approximately over $100,000 USD per year for a single course of immunotherapy, and over $200,000 USD a year for combination immunotherapy. Immuno-oncology treatment is expensive and the cost is a huge financial burden to the patients even in the developed countries.


With the innovative “combination immunotherapy”, Henlius manages to reduce the manufacturing costs to make all of its products more cost-effective. Henlius believes that its combination therapy which contains 2-3 mAbs will be no more expensive than a single imported mAb. Following the Henlius vision for the “affordable innovation”, company hopes to increase the accessibility of combination immunotherapy treatments globally. 

·About Henlius

Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc., a joint venture company co-founded by Fosun Pharma and a team of overseas scientists in December 2009, specializes in the discovery, development, manufacturing and commercialization of high-quality biological therapeutics to treat a range of chronic and often life-threatening diseases.


As of now, Henlius has completed IND filings of 11 products with 16 indications, submitted a combination immunotherapy, and obtained 13 clinical approvals in China. One of the products has accomplished its phase III clinical trial, meanwhile, 4 biosimilar products and 4 novel mAbs have entered phase III and Phase I studies respectively.


