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抗体偶联药物(Antibody-Drug Conjugation, ADC)是一种新型癌症将小分子药物通过生物活性连接器连接到单抗上的新型治疗癌症的手段。既解决了小分子药物无靶向性的缺点,又增强了单抗的功能性,在肿瘤领域治疗中担当着日益重要的作用。 作为首个搭载Amantin的抗体偶联药物LMP0847项目不仅充分利用了其强效的抗癌活性,又解决了其长久以来肝毒性的困扰,有望在未来成为抗肿瘤治疗一线疗法。



1.    抗体偶联药物(ADC),兼具良好靶向性及比Kadcyla更强的抗癌活性

2.    低肝细胞毒性(低细胞膜穿透率)

3.    德国创新研发公司,专注研发ADC,曾为罗氏提供技术支持

4.    同类ADC产品销量惊人,2022年将高达11.25亿美金(EvaluatePharma)

LMC5000396公司已授权灵麦医药为中国独家项目对接服务机构,如需项目接洽,请联系我们info@lingmed.net 或登录 www.lingmed.net/reports 查询其他各领域项目信息。



1) 技术平台LMP0848


2) ADC产品LMP0847 




Which one do you want? Red Rose or White Rose

Antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) is an important class of highly potent biopharmaceutical drugs designed as a targeted therapy for the treatment of people with cancer. Unlike chemotherapy, ADCs are intended to target and kill only the cancer cells and spare healthy cells. ADCs are complex molecules composed of an antibody linked to a biologically active cytotoxic (anticancer) payload or drug. As the first ADCs which linked to Amanitin, LMP0847 show great anti-tumor efficacy and also prevent its high liver toxicity, which are expected to become the first-line therapy to treat cancer.

According to EvaluatePharma database, the historic 2016 sales of the ADC drug-Kadcyla from Roche reached up to 843m USA dollars and forecasted to be 1.125b USA dollars in 2022 by consensus forecast of EvaluatePharma. 

LMP0847 project highlights:

1.  Antibody-drug Conjugate with excellent targeting ability and high anti-tumor efficacy than Kadcyla (Roche)

2.  Low toxicity of free toxin due to low membrane permeability

3.  Germany-based biotech company, focus on ADCs research 

4.  Kadcyla (the ADC drug from Roche) shows excellent market performance and forecasted to be 1.125b USA dollars in 2022 (EvaluatePharma)

LMC5000396 have granted Lingmed as the exclusive partnering agent in China, if you are interested in this project or need more detailed non-confidential slides, please contact usinfo@lingmed.net, or visit www.lingmed.net/reports for more available assets. 

Product information: 

LMC5000396 is a Germany-based company. 

ADC project: LMP0847 

The project LMP0847 is the first Antibody-target Amanitin Conjugates (ATACs) of high efficacy and tolerability. However, the high liver toxicity prevented therapeutic usage so far. Relevant research reveals that liver toxicity is due to active transport in liver cells by OATP1B3, while the ADCs are not transported by OATB1B3. As shown in the following figure, hydrophilic Amanitin dose not penetrate cells. 

LMP0847 show great efficacy due to the anti-tumour cytotoxicity of Amanitin. The mode of action for Amanitin, the most effective and specific inhibitor of the eukaryotic transcription, is the specific inhibition of RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II). As shown in the below figure, the excellent efficacy was revealed even in heterogenous Kadcyla-resistant HER1+ PDX model.

LMP0847 target BCMA expressed plasma cells, which highly restricted to multiple myeloma(MM), a mature B-cell neoplasm as well as Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Preclinical animal experiments reveal high complete remission rate in NCI-H929 mice tumor models and the high tolerability in monkeys. 

According to Biotechgate database, there are totally 89 projects in the field of Multiple Myelomas after Phase I, Which are looking for partners around the world, including 15 marketed products, 2 NDA products and 20 in phase III, 21 in phase II and 31phase I products.

The ADC technology: LMP0848

The ADC technology helps to manufacture targeted, high-stability and low-cytotoxicity drug with increased efficacy. With the LMP0848 Technology, it is possible to manufacture the compound with toxic chemicals- Amanitin. Short term evaluation under MTA or research agreement can be achieved within 6 to 9 months to save your cost. 


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