
LMLB142 - EvaluateMedTech权威报告,2017上半年医疗器械市场回顾


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之前几期周刊,小编和大家分享了EvaluatePharma药品领域的一些市场分析。本期换一下口味,让小编带大家一起走入医疗器械市场,看看这半年全球发生了哪些重要的市场动向。对医疗器械市场感兴趣的客官也可以联系 我们免费试用EvaluateMedTech哦!关心药品市场的客官也不要急,下期就是药品和生物医药领域的融资和交易报告,敬请期待。



17年上半年的热潮很大一部分归功于青少年市场的开发。虽然老年人一直是医疗器械的目标人群,但Align Technology巧立新章,开发了一种适合青少年矫正牙齿的新设备- Invisalign Teen。虽然该产品尚未获得批准,但EvaluateMedTech 权威预测,该产品2022年销量会增长4.95亿美元,增长率可达到23%。是该公司增长最迅速的板块。也使得Align Technology成为2017年上半年涨势最快的公司。排名第二的Intuitive Surgical虽然历年来有起起伏伏,但在2017 年却一直呈现上升状态。这主要归功于其达芬奇X手术机器人系统的上市。


2017 MedTech Half-Year Review

At the half-year point it has become clear that 2017 is the year money returned to the medical device sector.

Startling reversal of fortunes as large-cap groups soar

Two venture investments of nearly $1bn have pushed the total raised by private medtech companies to unprecedented heights; the first half’s total of $3.8bn makes the previous six-month record – $2.3bn in the second half of 2011 – pale in comparison.

It has been a good period for public companies too. It appears that investor confidence has increased enormously across the board, with stock in big-cap groups rising significantly, in marked contrast to their dismal performance across 2016. Only one big-cap group’s shares fell in value, and that was by less than a percentage point. Many of the smaller listed companies have seen extraordinary growth too, showing a clear improvement from previous years.

Almost all of the disorders diagnosed or treated with medical devices are more common in older patients: they are the ones who need hip implants, heart valves or cancer tests. But the big cap company that has seen the biggest rise in its share price over the first half of 2017 has a different section of the population to thank: teenagers. Align Technology makes Invisalign, a range of devices for straightening uneven teeth without using wires. Align’s new range, Invisalign Teen, is not even approved yet in the US. According to EvaluateMedTech’s consensus data, sales of the Invisalign Teen range are forecast to grow at 23% between 2016 and 2022 to $495m, by far the company’s fastest-growing segment.

Intuitive Surgical has had its ups and downs in the past but 2017 has been all up so far. The faster than expected US clearance of its mid-range da Vinci X robotic surgery system helped.

National trends are also partly to blame. Where all the risers in the first half are US-listed, the three worst performing companies are Japanese. Faced with a demographic problem – nearly 30% of the Japanese population is aged 65 or older – the government has been working hard to limit medical costs.

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