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Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Examination and Approval System to Encourage the Innovation of Drugs and Medical Devices by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council


China’s pharmaceutical and medical device industry is developing rapidly, innovation and start-up are in their ascendant and reform of the review and approval system has been continuously carried forward. However, in general, China still lacks a full range of support for pharmaceutical and medical device innovation, and there is still a gap between the marketed product quality level and the international advanced level. To promote the pharmaceutical and medical device industry adjustment and technological innovation, to enhance industrial competitiveness and to meet public clinical needs, we hereby put forward the following opinions on deepening the reform of the examination and approval system to encourage the innovation of drugs and medical devices as follows.


I. The Reform of Clinical Trial Management


1.   Establish a record-filing system for the qualification of clinical trial institutions. An institution that has met conditions for clinical trials can carry out clinical trials as entrusted by a drug or medical device registration applicant as long as it has filed a record on a website designated by the food and drug regulatory authorities. Clinical trials’ principal researchers shall have senior professional titles and have participated in more than 3 clinical trials. The registration applicant may appoint a third party to evaluate the certification of the clinical trial institution. Private investors are encouraged to set up clinical trial institutions. The regulations for the administration of clinical trial institutions shall be formulated by the China Food and Drug Administration and the National Health and Family Planning Commission.


2.   Support clinical trial institutions and personnel to carry out clinical trials. Support medical institutions, medical research institutions, medical colleges and universities to carry out clinical trials, with clinical trial conditions and competency incorporated into the medical institutions class assessment. A separate examination system shall be established for the clinical trial of the medical institutions, in which beds used only for clinical trials will not be included in the total number of the medical institution’s beds and no elements such as efficiency, turnover rate, utilization rate and other evaluation indicators of the beds will be required. Medical institutions are encouraged to set up full-time clinical trial departments equipped with professional clinical trial researchers. The unit performance wage distribution incentive mechanism shall be improved to ensure clinical trial researchers income at an appropriate level. Clinicians are encouraged to participate in drugs and medical devices technology innovation activities, and the clinical trial researchers shall be treated equally with clinicians in the job promotion, title promotion and other aspects. Foreign enterprises and scientific research institutes are allowed to conduct clinical trials simultaneously in China for new drugs subject to relevant rules and laws.


3.   Consummate the ethics committee mechanism. Clinical trials shall be consistent with ethical standards, ensuring that before voluntarily participation, subjects are sufficiently informed with test information, understand and sign informed consent letters so as to protect their safety, health and other rights. The clinical trial institution shall set up an ethics committee to review the clinical trial program of the institution, to verify and supervise the qualifications of clinical trial researchers and to supervise clinical trials, and shall be examined by the regulatory authorities. Local ethics committees can be set up to guide clinical trial institutions ethical reviews, and to conduct ethical reviews of clinical trial programs according to the unqualified institutions or registration applicants’ assignment and to supervise clinical trials. Regulatory authorities on health and family planning, traditional Chinese medicine management, food and drug and other departments shall strengthen the work on the guidance and business supervision of ethics committees.


4.   Streamline the efficiency of ethical reviews. Registration applicants shall submit the clinical trial program to the clinical trial institution ethics committee for review and approval before processing the clinical trial. Once the multi-center clinical trial within Chinese territory is ethically reviewed and approved by the clinical trial team head’s institution, other member units shall recognize the team head’s institution’s review conclusions and the multi-center clinical trial shall not be repeatedly reviewed. National Clinical Medical Research Center and other clinical trial institutions undertaking national major projects for science and technology and national key R&D facilitating programs, shall integrate resources to establish a unified ethical review platform and gradually promote the mutual recognition for ethical reviews.


5. Optimize the clinical trial approval procedures. The communication mechanism between the applicant and the review institution shall be established and improved. Reviewing authority should communicate with applicants and give comments before accepting the applications of drug clinical trials and medical devices clinical trials. Once accepted, if the reviewing authority fails to deny or question the application within a given term, applicants will be permitted to conduct clinical trials. During the clinical trial, the applicant shall promptly submit any clinical trial program changes, major pharmacy changes or non-clinical research safety issues to the review institution; once any safety issues or other risks have been found, the clinical trial program shall correspondently be revised, suspended or terminated immediately. The applicant may submit a test report delivered by itself or by an assigned assessment institution, together with a sample, to the drug review institution and ensure that the actual sample used in the clinical trial is consistent with the submitted sample. The approval process for human genetic resources activities involving international cooperation in clinical trials shall be optimized and the clinical trial process shall be speeded up.


6.    Accept overseas clinical trial data. If the clinical trial data obtained from overseas multi-centers are in compliance with the relevant registration requirements for Chinese drugs and medical devices, it can be used to apply for a registration in China. For drugs and medical devices that was first publicly provided in China, the applicant shall provide clinical trial data specifying whether there are racial differences or not.


7.    Support extended clinical trials. Drugs and medical devices that are under clinical trials for the treatment of diseases which are life-threatening as well as have not been proved to be effective in a treatment can be applied to other institution patients during clinical trials as long as the initial investigation proves potential effectiveness, the ethical review has been processed and the patient understands and agrees to use, and the safety data collected under this circumstance can be used in registration applications.


8. Severely cracking down on practices of fabricating data. Parties who have entered into an agreement for clinical trials and the researcher of clinical trials shall be the first person bearing the responsibilities for data on clinical trials, and shall be held fully liable for the reliability of data on clinical trials. A review model based on risk and review requirements shall be established, strengthening on-site and reasonable inspections for clinical and non-clinical studies, and review results shall be accessible to the public. Related data shall not be accepted if such data fails in data reviews; any inspection department finds that the authenticity of application materials are in doubt, it shall place the case on file for investigation promptly. With regard to responsible persons of non-clinical research organizations and research organizations of clinical trials, and responsible person who provided fraud reports, and registered applicant as well as responsible persons of relevant contract research organizations, their legal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with the law; anyone who refuses to accept, evades or impedes an inspection shall be given a heavier punishment. However, if the applicant finds that the data on clinical trials is in doubt and voluntarily reports to the regulator, the regulator can exempt it from punishment or impose a lighter punishment.


II.    Speed up the Marketing Review and Approval


9.   Speed up the review and approval for urgently needed drugs and medical devices. For the drugs and medical devices urgently needed for treatment of serious life-threatening diseases without proven effectiveness or other public health issues, as long as clinical trials in early and mid-term stages’ indicators show their efficacy with predictable clinical value, such drugs and medical devices can be approved to be marketed with conditions, in this case enterprises shall formulate a risk control plan to carry out researches as required. New drugs and innovation on medical devices researches and development are encouraged; new drugs and innovative medical devices pertains to the national science and technology major projects, supported by national key R&D programs, and whose clinical trial is carried out by the national clinical trial medical research center and approved by the central management shall be reviewed and approved with priority.


10.  Support drugs and medical devices R&D on rare diseases. National Health and Family Planning Commission or other entrusted relevant industry associations (study centers) will publish the rare diseases catalogue and establish the rare disease registration system. Rare diseases drugs and medical devices registration applicants may apply for a clinical trial exemption. Rare diseases drugs and medical devices that have been approved for marketing abroad may be approved for conditioned marketing. The enterprise shall formulate a risk control plan and carry out researches as required.


11.  High-standard requirements for drug injection reviews and approvals. Strictly control shall be imposed to an oral preparation converting into an injection preparation. An oral preparation which meets the clinical standards shall not be approved as an injection preparation product. Strictly control shall be imposed to an intramuscular injection converting into an intravenous injection preparation. An intramuscular injection which meets clinical standards shall not be approved as an intravenous preparation product. Application to convert the variety of formulations among large volume injection, small volume injection and injection of sterile powder shall not be approved as long as no obvious clinical advantage has been found to be yielded from such approval.


12.  Implement associated approvals of drugs and pharmaceutical raw materials and packaging materials. APIs, pharmaceutical excipients and packaging materials shall be reviewed and approved simultaneously and there will not be any new API approval numbers; APIs, pharmaceutical excipients and packaging materials and its quality standards shall be publicized in the designated platform for relevant enterprises’ selection. The marketed drug licensee shall be responsible for the quality of the APIs, pharmaceutical excipients and packaging materials used in the production.


13.  Support the heritage and innovation of traditional Chinese medicines. Establish and improve the registration management system and technical evaluation system so as to ensure the consistence with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and adjust the relationship between the traditional advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and the requirements of modern drug research and development. New Chinese medicine shall emphasize its new effect; improved traditional Chinese medicines shall reflect the advantages of their clinical application; classical Chinese medicine shall be reviewed and approved with the simplified standard; natural medicine shall be reviewed and approved with modern medical standards. Traditional Chinese medicine’s clinical research capacity shall be improved. Marketing value and resource assessment documents shall be submitted when a Chinese medicine is going through registering procedure, emphasizing a clinical value-oriented atmosphere, and promoting the sustainable use of resources. The use of modern science and technology research and development of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is encouraged to maximize traditional Chinese medicine’s advantages so as to develop new drugs and to strengthen the quality control.


14. Set up a prioritized review and approval regime based on the compulsory licensing. Drug registration applications with compulsory licensing shall obtain prior reviews and approvals in which the public health is under threatening. Whether the public health is under threatening situation and compulsory licensing procedure triggering shall be prescribed by the national health commission and the relevant authorities.


III.Promote the Drug Innovation and Generic Drug Development


15.  Establish a marketed drug catalogue. New drugs that have been approved to be marketed or have passed the generic drugs quality and efficacy consistency evaluations shall be marketed in the China marketed drug catalogue, in which the following information shall be specified, the attributes of innovative drugs, improved new drugs and generic drugs is consistent with the quality and efficacy of the original drugs, together with the active ingredients, dosage forms, specifications,  marketing authorization holders, patent rights obtained, test data protection period and other information.


16.  Explore ways to establish the drug patent linkage system. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of patentees, to reduce the risk of generic patent infringements, and to encourage the development of generic drugs, the link system between drug review and approval and the drug patent shall be explored and established. Drug registration applicants shall explain the relevant patents and ownership status when submitting the registration application, and inform the relevant drug patentee within the prescribed period. Where there is a dispute related to the patent right, the parties may sue to the court without interrupting drug technical reviews. The food and drug regulatory authorities may approve the marketing in accordance with the effective judgment, reward or mediation letter; in case that there is no effective judgment, reward or mediation letter after a certain period of time, food and drug regulatory authorities can approve the marketing.


17.  Set up drug patent period compensation pilots system. Select certain new drugs to be in the pilot program, and give the appropriate patent period compensation due to the marketing delay caused by the postponement of clinical trials and review and approval.


18.  Improve and implement the drug test data protection system. Applicants who submit a registration application may submit a test data protection application simultaneously. For innovative drugs, rare disease treatment drugs, child special medicines, biological products of innovative treatment and personal owned and undisclosed test data as well as other data submitted by challenges to successfully registered drugs applicants, a certain data protection period shall be given. The data protection period shall commence from the date on which the drug is approved to be marketed. Other applicants are not allowed to apply for the same kind of drugs within the data protection period, except for the data acquired by the new applicant itself or the applicant has obtained consents from marketing authorization holder.


19.  Promote the production of generic drugs. Persist in encouraging innovation as well as promoting the generic drugs production and reducing the burden of medication, issuing the drug list of which patent rights are expired, terminated, invalid and without generic application, guiding the development and production of generic drugs and improving the accessibility of public medication appropriately. Improve technical guidelines for relevant researches and evaluations to support the imitation for similar biological drugs, and drugs and medical devices combination products with the clinical value. Accelerate the evaluation of the quality and efficacy of generic drugs.


20.  Fulfill the main role of enterprises innovation. Encourage drugs and medical devices enterprises to increase R&D investment, to strengthen new products R&D and marketed products continuing study, and continuously improve the production process. Allow scientific research institutions and researchers to apply for clinical trials under circumstance that the institution and the researcher taking all relevant legal responsibilities. In the case of using national financial allocations to carry out new drugs and innovative medical devices R&D as well as related technical researches, employers are entitled to regulate or to make agreements with researchers over their rewards and reward methods, amounts and time limit so as to ensure researchers’ enthusiasm and to promote the science and technology results transformation.


21.  Support the clinical application of new drugs. Improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism for social insurance drug catalogue, explore the establishment of medical insurance drug payment standard negotiation system, support new drugs R&D in accordance with the provisions of new drugs into the basic medical insurance coverage. All localities can promptly include new drugs into centralized procurement scope based on the needs of disease prevention and control. Encourage medical institutions to give priority to purchase and use new drugs with clear efficacy and reasonable price.



IV.  Strengthen the Life-Cycle Management of Drugs and Medical Devices


22.  Promote the full-scale implementation of the marketing authorization holder (MAH) system. Timely summarize the pilot drug marketing authorization holder system experiences, promote the revision of drug management law, and strive to early launches around the country. Allow medical devices R&D institutions and researchers to apply for medical devices marketing authorizations.


23.  Specify marketing authorization holders’ legal responsibilities. Drug marketing authorization holders are required to take full responsibility for pre-clinical research, clinical trials, manufacturing, sales distribution, adverse reaction reports, etc., so as to ensure that the submitted research data and clinical trial data are authentic, complete and traceable, to ensure the production process is in consistent with the approved process and continuous compliance with the production process, to ensure that the sales of the batches of drugs and consistent with the quality of the sample, and to ensure that the ongoing study of marketed drugs, timely reports any adverse reactions, assessment of risk, and propose improve measures shall be performed.


Medical device marketing authorization holders shall take all legal liabilities for medical device design and development, clinical trials, manufactures, sales and distributions, adverse event reports, etc., and shall ensure that the submitted research data and clinical trial data are authentic, complete and traceable. Ensure marketed medical devices for continuous researches, adverse events promptly reports, risk assessments, and improvement measures proposals.


Any enterprises, institutions and individuals entrusted by medical device marketing authorization holders to conduct the R&Ds, clinical trials, manufactures, sales distributions shall be liable for breaching of contract or other responsibilities as stipulated in the laws, regulations and agreements


24.  Establish a system in which marketing authorization holders directly reporting adverse reactions and adverse events. Where the marketing authorization holders undertake the main responsibilities for the adverse reactions and the adverse events reports, any conceal or delay of such reports shall be punished severely pursued to relevant laws. Food and drug regulatory authorities shall investigate and analyze the adverse reactions and adverse events mentioned in the report, and correspondently take appropriate measures including suspend sales, recall, quality control improvement and other measures.


25.  Carry out drugs injection re-evaluations. According to pharmaceutical scientific progress, strive to complete the re-evaluation of marketed injections within 5 to 10 years. The marketing authorization holders shall conduct a comprehensive analysis of the research at the time of marketing and the continuous research after the marketing, carrying out research on product composition, mechanism of action and clinical efficacy, so as to assess the drug’s safety, effectiveness and quality control. Drugs which pass the re-evaluation process shall have same the relevant incentive policy treatment for the consistency of quality of generic drugs and efficacy.


26.  Improve the medical devices re-evaluation system. The marketing authorization holders shall, on the basis of real time scientific progress and the assessment result of the adverse events, proactively re-evaluate the marketed medical devices. In case that the re-evaluation found that the drug cannot guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the product, the marketing authorization holders shall apply for a cancellation of the marketing authorization promptly; any conceal of the re-evaluation results or any failure to put forward a cancellation application shall be followed by marketing authorization revocation and punishment by means of related laws.


27.  Regulate the academic promotion of drugs.  Marketing authorization holders shall file the list of medical representatives with the food and drug regulatory authorities and make it known to the public.  Medical representatives are responsible for the promotion of pharmaceuticals, instruction of drugs knowledge to medical staffs, and to listen to the views of clinical practical experience advice. Medical representatives’ academic promotion activities shall be carried out in public and subject to designated department’s record-filing administration. The medical representatives are prohibited to assume the task of drug sales and the medical representatives or related business personnel are prohibited to be provided with the number of medical prescriptions issued by doctors. Medical representatives mislead doctors to use drugs or conceal drugs adverse reactions shall be severely punished; impersonate the name of a medical representative to carry out drug businesses shall be convicted of the crime of illegal drugs operation.


V.   Enhance the Technical Support Capacity


28.  Improve the technical review system. Establish a review-oriented technical review system with the inspection and testing support, improve the review of the project manager system, review agencies and registration applicants conference communication system, expert advisory committee system, strengthen internal management and standardize the review process. Form a drug review team composed of clinical medicine professionals, pharmacy, pharmacology and toxicology, statistics and other professionals, responsible for the review of new drugs. The medical device review team, which consists of professionals such as clinical medicine, clinical diagnosis, mechanical, electronic, materials and biomedical engineering, is responsible for the evaluation of innovative medical devices. In addition to technology production and other technical secrets, the review conclusions shall be all open to public and accept public supervisions. Unify the Class II medical devices review standards, and gradually achieve unified review standards on a national level.


29.  Specify relevant staffs’ confidentiality responsibilities. Those who participate in the supervision and examination, review and approval, inspection of drugs and medical devices and other supervision work, shall have confidential obligations for the applicants’ submitted technical secrets and data. In case of breach of confidentiality obligations, the relevant personnel will be subject to responsibilities according to the laws and disciplines and the result should be disclosed to the public. In case of suspected crime, the relevant personnel should be transferred to the judiciary to pursue their criminal responsibility. Improve the management for registration application materials and ensure that any record of reviewing or copying such materials should be traceable.


30.  Strengthen the review and inspection capacity building. Include drugs and medical devices review in the government procurement scope, and provide standardized and efficient review services. Speed up the information infrastructure construction of drugs and medical devices review and approval, establish the electronic registration applications system for technical requirements, improve the electronic general technical documentation system, and gradually realize the electronic submission for various types of registration applications as well as review and approval. Establish the marketed drugs and medical devices catalogue.


31.  Implement the whole process responsibility inspection system. Drugs and medical devices research and development processes and drug non-clinical research quality management practices, drug clinical trial quality management practices, medical devices clinical trial quality management practices, shall be inspected by the national food and drug regulatory authorities. Provincial and higher level food and drug regulatory authorities shall be responsible for the inspection of drugs and medical devices production processes and product quality managements. County and city levels of food and drug regulatory authorities shall be responsible for inspection drugs and medical devices business process and the implementation of quality management standards. Should there be any problems have been found, the illegal behavior shall be checked out and the risk control measures shall be taken subject to the regulations and laws. Any criminal behavior shall be transferred to the judicial and be pursued by means of criminal liabilities. Promote the violation punishment system into individuals, and inspection and punishment results shall be publicly accessible.


32.  Develop a professional inspector team. Relying on existing resources to speed up the inspector team construction in which full-time inspectors are the main parts and part-time inspectors as a supplement part. Implement the inspector grading management system, strengthen inspectors training sessions, strengthen the inspection devices, and improve the inspection level and capacity.


33.  Strengthen the international cooperation. Deepen the multi-national and bilateral drugs medical devices supervision policies and technical exchanges, and actively participate in the development of international rules and standards to promote the progressive realization of the international sharing for review, inspection, inspection standards and results.


VI. Strengthen the Organization and Implementation 


34.  Strengthen the organization and leadership. The relevant departments of various regions shall fully understand the importance of deepening the reform of the review and approval system to encourage the innovation of drugs and medical devices, put a new premium on the importance to reform and innovate the review and approval work of drugs and medical devices examination, treat the approval reform and innovation work as a significant part of building an innovative country which promotes the development of high-tech industries, support and strengthen the co-ordination, refine the implementation of the program, improve the working mechanism, and earnestly implement the task. Persist in a reform process with principles of rule of law, and constantly improve the relevant laws and regulations system, in case a reform measure involves legal changes or prior authorizations, the implementation shall be carried out after correspondent amendment procedures or authorizations have been passed.


35.  Strengthen cooperation and collaboration. Fully utilize the joint-department conference on the reform of drugs and medical devices approval system, timely research and solve the contradictions and problems encountered in the reform. National food and drug regulatory authorities shall play a leading role, supervise the specific implementation of the reform, coordinate and promote the full implementation of the task. The relevant departments shall perform their duties according to laws, through divisions and cooperation, streamlining a reform force together. The development and reform department shall support high-tech pharmaceutical products’ developments, combine the clinical trial institution constructions as a significant part into the medical institutional construction and development process. The science and technology department shall strengthen the development of medical science and technology planning and guidance, supervise new drugs and innovative medical devices R&D related technology (special project and fund) implementation. The industry and information department shall strengthen the strategical plan guidance of drugs industry and the production of clinical drug protection. Finance department shall conduct drug medical devices review and approval, strengthen and ensure drugs producing funds. The human resources and social security department shall facilitate with medical insurance policy to support the development of new drugs related tasks. The healthcare and family planning department shall strengthen the guidance of clinical trial institutions, strengthen the ethics committee management and researchers training sessions. The intellectual property department shall protect patents and drugs medical devices intellectual property rights appropriately. Traditional Chinese medicine management authority shall support traditional Chinese medicine innovation.


36.  Organize publicity and interpretation related work. Emphasize the importance of drugs and medical devices innovation from positive publicity perspective, strengthen the interpretation on major policies and major rules related to the review and approval system reform, promptly answer questions related hot topics in society, proactively respond to social concerns, reasonably guide all parties’ expectations, and create a friendly atmosphere for the implementation of the reform.






