
华领医药在 D 轮和 E 轮融资中募集资金 1.174 亿美元

中国香港、上海 - 2018 年 3 月 27 日

华领医药,一家致力于开发突破性原创新药的临床阶段药物开发公司,宣布完成 D 轮和 E 轮融资,共募集资金 1.174 亿美元。投资者包括新投资方 Blue Pool Capital Limited、GIC Private Limited、航信环球、通和毓承、郑志刚(通过 K11 Investments)、平安创新投资基金、Mirae Asset Financial Group、和几家顶尖美国投资管理公司的全球医疗健康基金,以及现有投资方 ARCH Venture Partners、斯道资本、F-Prime Capital Partners、Venrock、无锡药明康德战略投资、汇桥资本集团 (Ally-Bridge Group)、嘉实投资、联合创始人与管理层。所筹资金预计将全部用于资助公司完成全球首创糖尿病Dorzagliatin (HMS5552) 在中国的两个III 期临床试验以及商业化上市前准备工作。Dorzagliatin (HMS5552)是新机制第 4 代葡萄糖激酶活剂调节剂,针对人体血糖平衡传感器葡萄糖激酶的功能损伤进行有效治疗,有望解决2型糖尿病发病的病根。

华领医药首席执行官陈力博士表示:“华领医药创立的初心就是针对全球患者尚未满足的临床需求,开发突破性的药品和医疗方案,我们的意愿得到了全球生物医药顶尖投资者的大力支持。本轮融资之后,我们将继续加快 Dorzagliatin 的开发和商业化上市进程,为中国乃至全球的 2 型糖尿病患者带来福音。”


华领医药是一家创新药物开发领军企业,总部位于中国上海,专注于代谢性和神经退行性疾病新型疗法和产品的研究开发及产业化。公司由创新药研发经验丰富的陈力博士和生物医药领域企业家以及知名投资机构共同创立。目前公司在全球范围内拥有两项创新资产,其中最为领先的是全球首创、用于治疗2型糖尿病的口服药物正在中国进行的两项 III 期临床试验(单药治疗和二甲双胍联合治疗)。据国际糖尿病基金会称,在 2017 年,全球约有 4.25 亿糖尿病患者。而中国的糖尿病患者人数最多,逾 1.14 亿,预计有超过 53% 的糖尿病患者尚未得到确诊。

有关更多信息,请访问 www.huamedicine.com



+ 86-21-5886-9997*3289 


Hua Medicine Raises $117.4 Million in Series D & Series E Financing

Hong Kong and Shanghai, China – 27 March 2018

Hua Medicine, a clinical-stage drug development company developing novel therapies for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes, announced the closing of a combined Series D & Series E financing of US$ 117.4 million.  The financing included new investors Blue Pool Capital Limited, GIC Private Limited, AVICT Global, 6 Dimensions Capital, Adrian Cheng (via K11 Investments), Ping An Ventures, Mirae Asset Financial Group and certain healthcare funds managed by a leading US investment management firm, as well as existing investors ARCH Venture Partners, Eight Roads, F-Prime Capital Partners, Venrock, WuXi AppTec Corporate Ventures, Ally Bridge Group, Harvest Investments, co-founders and management.  The financing is expected to fully fund the Company through completion of its two Phase 3 trials and commercial launch in China for Dorzagliatin (HMS5552), a new first-in-class, 4th-generation glucokinase activator (GKA) that treats the impaired blood glucose sensor function, and thereby seeks to address the underlying cause of Type 2 diabetes.

"From the inception of Hua, the company is committed to developing novel drugs to address significant unmet medical needs globally, and has been supported by our great investors around the world. With this round of financing, we will continue our efforts to advance the development of Dorzagliatin so that its novel, beneficial disease-modifying effects can be shared with Type 2 diabetes patients in China first, and then globally,” said Dr. Li Chen, CEO of Hua Medicine.

About Hua Medicine

Hua is a leading, innovative drug development company based in Shanghai, China focused on novel therapies for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes and levodopa-induced dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson’s disease.  Founded by an experienced group of entrepreneurs and well-known, international investment firms, Hua has world-wide rights to two novel assets. The most advanced program is a first-in-class, oral drug for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes that is currently in two Phase III trials in China:  i) monotherapy; and ii) combination therapy with metformin.  According to the International Diabetes Foundation, there were approximately 425 million diabetes patients in 2017 worldwide.  China had the largest number of diabetes patients, with over 114 million diabetes patients, of which it was estimated that over 53% are undiagnosed for diabetes.  

For more information:  www.huamedicine.com

Contact Information:

Emily Yeh, Director of Corporate Finance

+ 86-21-5886-9997*3289 



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